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Q: What is an epidemic that returns called?
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What if An epidemic that becomes very widespread is called?

An epidemic that becomes very widespread is called a pandemic.

An epidemic that becomes very widespread and affects a whole region is called a?

An epidemic that becomes very widespread and affects a whole region is called a PANDEMIC

What is another name for epidemic typhus?

Epidemic typhus, which is sometimes called jail fever or louse-borne typhus

What term is used to describe a wide spread outbreak of disease?

Epidemic. If it is world-wide, then it is called a pandemic.

When there is an increase in the number of cases of a disease in a particular region it is called?

Then it is called as epidemic.

A local or regional outbreak of a disease is known as an epidemic?

An outbreak of an infectious disease is called an epidemic if a lot of people in one area become infected. But if the disease is very widespread, international and many people need treatment, it is called a pandemic.

What epidemic killed millions of people after World War 1?

The epidemic that killed canadians after the war, was called the spanish influenza (flu)

What is infectious disease that spreads all over the countries is called?

It is an epidemic.

What is the best definition for 'epidemic' in the sentence ''Health officials worry that the annual flu epidemic will become a serious one with the potential of killing millions''?

An epidemic is an outbreak of an infectious disease that has spread beyond the local community (that is called an outbreak) but has not gone world wide (that is called a pandemic). An epidemic is regional and indicates that the infection is spreading in a wider region than an outbreak but not as far as a pandemic spreads.

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What is an outbreak of disease called 9 letters?

An outbreak of disease is commonly referred to as an epidemic.

Is Ebola a pandemic or a epidemic?

Ebola would be an epidemic. The difference between a pandemic and an epidemic is the population size and locality of infection. An epidemic is a greater than normal amount of infection in a particular area or when infection occurs in an area that isn't normally associated with a certain disease. A pandemic is when the epidemic reaches to world wide proportions.