Non-Endemic: "not present within a localized area or peculiar to persons in such an area".
Pandemic means affecting a large population or geographic area i.e. "AIDS is pandemic in Africa."Endemic means affecting a certain area i.e. "Kangaroos are endemic to Australia."
In an endemic area, if smears from an individual show the presence of AFB, or if he has typical skin lesions, he should definitely be regarded as having leprosy.
It is true that endemic species face relatively high risks of extinction. An endemic species refers to a species that is restricted or native to a particular area or country.
Endemic species are the species that are native to a certain area or region. It is the ecological state or location of a specific species. For example: Koalas are an endemic species in Australia.
Endemic birds live in a specific geographic region and are found nowhere else in the world. They are usually adapted to the unique environment of that particular area and play a crucial role in maintaining the ecosystem's balance. Protection of their habitats is essential to ensure their survival.
It will be endemic to Orissa.
Endemic- noun. present within a localized area or peculiar to persons in such an area. (most commonly used when talking about illness or pathogens)example: Malaria is a disease endemic to Africa.There are two uses of this word. For diseases, the above answer is correct. However for wildlife, endemic means restricted to one particular area, and particularly one country. Confusingly in this usage the above example isn't true - malaria is present in many tropical regions, not just Africa. Gorillas are endemic to Africa.
FAUNA are the animals that live in a certain area
Provenant is related to the word provenance[prov-in-anss] n place of origin. Plants that are naturally local to my area. Native means from the country, it does not mean from your part of the country. Endemic means this plant species grows in your area, it does not mean a particular plant is from your area, It may be the same species from your area but it might have a different genetic makeup to the plants in your area. Provenant means from your area, It has grown from the seed of a plant that evolved all its traits in your area, and is thus of local provenance. Everything in the Bush Regeneration industry relates to encouraging the growth of provenant plants. Native should never be used to describe the word endemic and endemic should never be used to describe the word provenant. For Clarity purposes a provenant plant should in scientific circumstances be referred to as a provenant endemic native plant, because a plant titled only as endemic native reveals no evidence of being of actual local origin. Provenant[prov-in-ant] In relation to plants. From a specific location within a plants endemic range grown from the seed of a plant that evolved all of its traits in that area.
Endemic disease refers to a disease that is regularly found within a specific geographic area or population. It is constantly present at a baseline level in that particular region or group, without the need for external introduction.
The history of ownership. The trail of posession. Provenance[prov-in-anss] n place of origin. Plants that are naturally local to my area. Native means from the country, it does not mean from your part of the country. Endemic means this plant species grows in your area, it does not mean a particular plant is from your area, It may be the same species from your area but it might have a different genetic makeup to the plants in your area. Provenant means from your area, It has grown from the seed of a plant that evolved all its traits in your area, and is thus of local provenance. Everything in the Bush Regeneration industry relates to encouraging the growth of provenant plants. Native should never be used to describe the word endemic and endemic should never be used to describe the word provenant. For Clarity purposes a provenant plant should in scientific circumstances be referred to as a provenant endemic native plant, because a plant titled only as endemic native reveals no evidence of being of actual local origin.