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A president

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Q: What is an elected head of an organized group?
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He was never elected. He seized power at the head of a group of army officers.

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It is the Stateless Society.

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It is the group of elected members of the people of Northern Ireland, and where they meet.It is the group of elected members of the people of Northern Ireland, and where they meet.It is the group of elected members of the people of Northern Ireland, and where they meet.It is the group of elected members of the people of Northern Ireland, and where they meet.It is the group of elected members of the people of Northern Ireland, and where they meet.It is the group of elected members of the people of Northern Ireland, and where they meet.It is the group of elected members of the people of Northern Ireland, and where they meet.It is the group of elected members of the people of Northern Ireland, and where they meet.It is the group of elected members of the people of Northern Ireland, and where they meet.It is the group of elected members of the people of Northern Ireland, and where they meet.It is the group of elected members of the people of Northern Ireland, and where they meet.

How is Edgar Derby elected head American in Slaughterhouse-Five?

Slaughterhouse-Five is a novel about World War II. Edgar Derby is a middle-aged man who pulls strings to be able to fight in the war. He is elected head of American group of POWs.

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The Continental Army was the group that the colonies organized to fight against Great Britain.

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Who is the head of Baha'i religion?

The head of the Bahá'í Faith is called the Universal House of Justice. This is the name of a group of nine people that are elected once every five years. Their location is Haifa, Israel.

What is an organized group called?

a community