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Q: What is an ants heart rate?
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How big is an ants heart?

very,very samll and btw the ants heart its in its but

Temperature affect an ants digging rate?

no ants will eat your sol.

How does ants digestive system works?

ants heart is small so they digest slowly

Why do you have a heart rate?

You have a heart. It beats periodically. The rate at which it does so is your heart rate. If you don't have a heart rate, then your heart isn't beating, meaning you're dead or dying.

How does depressants affect the heart rate?

depressants affect the heart rate by its heart rate

If cardiac muscle get stronger what will happen with heart rate?

If your heart gets stronger:Your resting heart rate will go downYour target heart rate for exercise will go upIt will be harder to raise your heart rate to the target heart rate

What is the squeeze rate of the heart called?

Heart rate

How does rap affect heart rate?

Rap effects your heart rate because it speeds up your heart rate.

How do you get rid of sugar ants NM?

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Is 66 a good heart rate?

The normal heart rate for an adult is between 60 and 101. Thus, a heart rate of 66 - in my opinion - is very good.The normal heart rate for an adult is between 60 and 101. Thus, a heart rate of 66 - in my opinion - is very good.The normal heart rate for an adult is between 60 and 101. Thus, a heart rate of 66 - in my opinion - is very good.The normal heart rate for an adult is between 60 and 101. Thus, a heart rate of 66 - in my opinion - is very good.The normal heart rate for an adult is between 60 and 101. Thus, a heart rate of 66 - in my opinion - is very good.The normal heart rate for an adult is between 60 and 101. Thus, a heart rate of 66 - in my opinion - is very good.

How large is the ants heart?

It is about the size of 2 grains of sand.

How does laughing affect your heart rate?

It increases your heart rate.