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Beware of lies around: religious, lies of Churches, of science, political, international, of tradition, lies of all sort. Lev Tolstoy The Law of Love and the Law of Violence

Did you know 9/11 was just a controlled demolition of crumbling buildings, used as a chance to spread fear - to exalt the role of the government in the eyes of tax PAYERS?

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earthly firefly5

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βˆ™ 4y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

As a noun : outbreak, plague, pandemic, or contagion.

As an adjective : widespread or rampant.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Plague, pandemic, or outbreak

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Endemic, limited, ecdemic, enzootic

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βˆ™ 13y ago


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Q: What is an antonym of epidemic?
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What is a sentence for antonym and epidemic?

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What is the verb and noun for epidemic?

The word 'epidemic' is a noun and an adjective. There is no verb form of the word epidemic.

What was the most recent epidemic in Jamaica in 2014?

The most recent epidemic in Jamaica in 2014 is the AIDS epidemic.

A sentence for epidemic?

Some diseases can be very epidemic.

How do you spell epidemic?

Seriously? Just go google that. P.S. You spelled epidemic correctly, idiot.You spelled the word epidemic correctly. Epidemic is a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease.

A sentence with epidemic?

Epidemic is an outbreak of a disease in a particular area.

Is trichomoniasis an epidemic disease?

Trichomoniasis is not an epidemic disease. It is endemic.

When did Groningen epidemic happen?

Groningen epidemic happened in 1826.

Use epidemic in a sentence?

There was an epidemic outbreak of measles in the summer of 1978. The measles outbreak has reached epidemic proportions in 1978.

What killed twice as many people as had died in World War 1?

The flu epidemic.

What are the release dates for Epidemic - 2008 Epidemic Strikes Back 1-9?

Epidemic - 2008 Epidemic Strikes Back 1-9 was released on: USA: 15 August 2008