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when a virus enters a cell and is active, it cause the host cell to make new viruses, which destroy the host cell.

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Q: What is active viruses?
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What do latent viruses not do?

They are not active and do not make new viruses.

What are the active viruses?

Active viruses are causing a disease at this time. Some can become dormant for a time and can be reactivated. Examples are cold sores and shingles.

What are types of hidden and active viruses?

Hidden viruses include rootkits, bootkits, and stealth viruses that hide their presence on a system to evade detection. Active viruses include file infectors, macro viruses, and polymorphic viruses that infect files or use different code patterns to avoid detection.

How many viruses are there for the Macintosh computers?

There are no active viruses that affect Mac OS X.

Viruses are only active when?

They are active only when they are inside a living host cell.

When are viruses active?

When it is inside a living cell.

What are the viruses that attack Mac operating systems?

There are no active viruses that attack Mac OS X.

What is an example of active virus?

The common cold is a great example of an active virus. Also, the flu and the herpes virus are also considered to be active viruses.

When is the only time that viruses are active?

the virus is active when they are inside living things (host cell)

What is the difference between active virus and latent virus?

A hidden virus is known in the words in its name "HIDDEN virus". It hides and stays inactive. The active virus is also known in its name too "ACTIVE virus". The two viruses have different ways on spreading it own kind throughout the host or hosts.

Compare and contrast a latent virus and an active virus.?

A latent virus remains dormant in the host cell without causing symptoms, but can reactivate later to cause disease. An active virus continuously replicates and causes symptoms, leading to an active infection. Both types of viruses can cause disease, but latent viruses have periods of inactivity while active viruses are constantly causing symptoms.

How do hidden viruses differ from active viruses?

an active virus enters a cell and is active it causes the host cell to make new viruses, which destroy the host cell. a latent viruses is some viruses may be latent viruses. a latent virus enters a cell and its hereditary material may become part of the cell's hereditary materials.