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Q: What is a word for nerve disease?
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What is wrong with William perrys health?

he has a chronic nerve disease. he has a chronic nerve disease. he has a chronic nerve disease.

What cranial nerve affected on parkinson's disease?

Trigeminal Nerve

Which nerve disease can lead to extreme facial pain?

Trigeminal neuralgia is the nerve disease that causes extreme facial pain.

What is the medical term meaning study of nerve disease?

Neuropathology is the study of nerve disease.

Is an example of a degenerative disease of the nervous system?

Alzheimer's disease is the example of degenerative nerve disease.

What is motor nueron disease?

When nerve damage effects a motor nerve, you have a motor neuron disease. It is also called neuropathy. For information on nerve damage repair go to

What is dropped foot disease?

Periferal nerve

What is the root word meaning nerve?

The root word meaning "nerve" is "neur-" from the Greek word "neuron" meaning sinew or nerve.

What is the medical term meaning any disease of the spinal cord?

Myelopathy is any disease or pathological condition of the spinal cord.

What is the medical term meaning destruction of a nerve?

Neurolysis is destruction of a nerve or nervous tissue. Neuropathy, in contrast, means any disease of a nerve or nerve tissue.

What are the causes of Hirschsprung's disease?

Hirschsprung's disease occurs early in fetal development when, for unknown reasons, there is either failure of nerve cell development, failure of nerve cell migration, or arrest in nerve cell development in a segment of the bowel.

What is another word for sensory nerve?

Afferent nerve