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Q: What is a type of anemia that is inherited by African American mediterranean and southeast Asian people?
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Do Filipino have African American in them?

No. The Philippines is in located southeast of Asia.

Why do African American babies have sickle cell?

Not all African American babies have sickle cell anemia. It must be inherited for an African American (usually male) to develop the condition.

Why do people of Mediterranean and African decent have sickle cell anemia?

Sickle cell anemia is a inherited blood disorder. This means everyone who has sickle cell has inherited it from their parents. With this in mind it means there was a key ancestor in Africa or the Mediterranean who had the first sickle cell anemia and passed it on to their descendants.

What is the most famous South African landmark near the Mediterranean?

South African is not near the Mediterranean.

What is intermedia?

Thalassaemia is aanaemic blood disorder. Blood cells in the bone marrow are not produced as they should be. Thalassaemia is one of the most common inherited disease. People of Asian, Mediterranean and African and origin are the ones mostly affected by this disease. Except that it is inherited cause of the disease is unknown.

What is the smallest african country that borders the Mediterranean sea?

Tunisia is the smallest African country that borders the Mediterranean Sea.

What IS thalassaemia intermedia?

Thalassaemia is aanaemic blood disorder. Blood cells in the bone marrow are not produced as they should be. Thalassaemia is one of the most common inherited disease. People of Asian, Mediterranean and African and origin are the ones mostly affected by this disease. Except that it is inherited cause of the disease is unknown.

What can you do to prevent your chances of getting sickle cell disease?

Sickle cell can not be "caught". It is an inherited genetic disease and is only in the African American community.

What is the official language of the African countries that border the Mediterranean?

The african countries that border the Mediterranean all speak dialects of Arabic:EgyptLibyaTunisiaAlgeriaMorocco

Are Egyptian immigrants considered African Americans?

Not typically. The term "African American" normally applies to those descended from the tribes of western and southern Africa, not the Mediterranean cultures, which now have an Arabic heritage.

Were African-Americans from the north?

No. African Americans were from Africa, which is southeast of America.

What are three of the African countries that touch the Mediterranean?

Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco are the five African nations that have borders on the Mediterranean Sea.