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The Occipital lobe is in the brain in the back of your head. Basically a "sub-occipital pain" would be a pain originating or being experienced underneath (sub) the lobe. (which is at the back of your head.)

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Related questions

What causes occipital nerve headaches?

Occipital nerve headaches are caused by the firing of the occipital nerve either as the result of a process that disturbs the nerve or as the result of a chronic pain condition that causes spontaneous firing of the nerve pathways resulting in pain.

Where are the occipital nerves located?

The occipital nerves are located at the base of the skull, near the occipital bone. They are a pair of nerves that provide sensory innervation to the back of the head and the scalp.

Can occipital pain be associated with optic neuritis?

Occipital pain is typically not associated with optic neuritis, which is inflammation of the optic nerve that can cause vision changes and eye pain. Occipital pain is more likely due to causes such as tension headaches, migraines, or cervical spine issues. However, if there are other neurological symptoms present, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for a proper evaluation.

What is the most common treatment for occipital neuralgia?

Treatment usually consists attempting to relieve the pain. This often involves a massage to relax the muscles in the area of the occipital nerves. Bed rest may relieve acute pain.

What is the prognosis for occipital neuralgia?

The periodic nature of mild occipital neuralgia usually does not interfere with daily life. The prognosis for persons with more severe occipital neuralgia is also good, as the pain is usually lessened or eliminated by treatment.

Where do you feel pain when occipital nerves are injured?

Trauma to these nerves can cause a pain that originates from the lower area of the neck between the shoulder blades.

Which bone is the most posterior part of the cranium?


What is the spanish word for occipital bone?

Hueso Occipital (Hueso = bone) (Occipital = the same)

Part of brain responsible for sight?

The Occipital Lobe and the Visual Cortex.

What lobe of the brain has to deal with vision?

The occipital lobe is the main lobe of the brain responsible for processing visual information. It is located at the back of the brain and plays a crucial role in interpreting and making sense of what we see.

I have been treated with occipital nerve blocks and botox but how do I get rid of the sharp pain between my spine and right shoulder blade?

Try a chiropractor.....experts in the conservative treatment of back pain and other musculoskeletal conditions.

What is the most radical form of occipital nerve treatment?

In extreme cases where pain is frequent, the nerves can be severed at the point where they join the scalp. The person is pain-free, but sensation is permanently lost in the affected region of the head.