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The snore guard is used to prevent snoring while sleeping. Usually a dentist has to have it made for a person. It basically holds the lower jaw slightly forward to keep open airways.

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Q: What is a snore guard used for?
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Yes a cheetah does snore!

How can you find more information about why people snore?

You can find out why people snore online from the Why People Snore website. Once on the website, you can find out why people snore and how to treat it.

What kind of snoring remedies are available?

There are many snoring remedies that are available. One remedy is a mouth guard. This mouth guard should be worn when sleeping because it will allow a clear passage for air to flow so that he won't snore.

What is the definition of snore?

Snore is the sound made while sleeping. Some people snore as they cannot control it.

How loud is a snore?

A Snore can be as loud as 69 decibles

Can you snore if you are sleeping on your side?

Yes. I always snore.

Does everyone snore?

no, only living things with noses snore.

How many syllables are in snore?

The word snore has one syllable.

What is another word for snore?

Another word for snore is "sawing."

How can you use the word snore in a sentence?

He let out a snore that shook the house. She could hear the distant snore of her husband in the other room.