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Q: What is a small speck of green phlegm?
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What colour is a normal phlegm?

clear phlegm is normal. Red,Green,yellow is not normal---get help.

What does phlegm do?

Phlegm helps to trap foreign materials such as dirt, microbes and pollutants from going further into the body. Phlegm comes in different colors from shades of green to white.

Speck is to dust as sliver is to?

Wood. Just as speck is a small particle of dust, a sliver is a small piece of wood.

Definition of speck?

a small amount of mess

What is meant by the term speck?

The term "speck" is used, when you talk about something appearing small by comparison or by reason of distance. For example, the bird was just a speck in the sky.

What color phlegm can a person get with bronchitis or pneumonia?

green which means an infection

What helps cut phlegm you are choking on at the back of your mouth besides Coca-Cola?

If it is phlegm from being sick (if it is yellow or green) then take a decongestant or gargle with warm salt water, which breaks up the phlegm and kills the bacteria that produce it.

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What does rinno poop look like is it big or small you are seriosly wondering this its not just a joke and what color is it?

Rhinoceros poo is very large and is 7cm smaller than elephant poo.It is a sickish green colour with speck's of dark brown. Rhinoceros poo is very large and is 7cm smaller than elephant poo.It is a sickish green colour with speck's of dark brown.

What does green flem mean?

I believe what is being referred to here as "flem" is really phlegm, or the thick mucus that comes from the mouth. Green phlegm can mean a sign of an infection such as a cold or flu, bronchitis, or some kind of allergic reaction. Usually any kind of colored phlegm can be a sign of an infection so it is advisable to visit a health center or doctor if one has persistent colored phlegm for prolonged periods of time.

Why are you coughing up green phlegm?

sounds like an infection!