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When the heart is functioning properly the sinus node controls the firing of action potential that contract the heart. When the sinus node dominates the heart will contract in a synchronized and effective rhythm This is called sinus rhythm.

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Q: What is a sinus rhythm?
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A sinus rhythm originate in?

Sinus nodes (sa nodes)

A sinus rhythm originates in the?

Sinus nodes (sa nodes)

What is a sinus rhythm and what other heart rhythms are there?

Sinus rhythm refers to a heart rhythm that is controlled by the depolarisation of the sinoatrial node. You can also have focal ectopic rhythms where random areas of the heart depolarise first and you can have supraventricular rhythms.

What does Predominant rhythm is sinus mean?

the beat of your heart when the beats goes up and down in a rhythm scale

What does the medical abbreviation SA-ECG mean?

Sinus rhythm .

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Sinus rhythm

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What does EKG showed NSR mean?

normal sinus rhythm

What are the key differences between atrial fibrillation (afib) and sinus rhythm?

Atrial fibrillation (afib) is an irregular heart rhythm where the upper chambers of the heart beat chaotically and out of sync with the lower chambers. Sinus rhythm is a normal heart rhythm where the heart beats in a regular, coordinated pattern. Key differences include the irregularity of afib versus the regularity of sinus rhythm, as well as the potential for symptoms and complications associated with afib.

What is a sinus arrhythmia?

This is an irregular cardiac rhythm due to a variation in the sinus rhythm -- the heartbeat usually increases during inhalation and decreases during exhalation. This condition is common in children and young adults.

What is sinus rhythm with occasional premature ventricular complexes?

Sinus rhythm, the natural beating of the heart begins in the sinoatrial (or sinus) node and is located in the wall of the right atrium. Occasional premature ventricular complexes are abnormal heartbeats that disrupt the regular rhythm of the heart. The irregular heartbeats begin in one of the ventricles in the lower part of the heart.