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Q: What is a red painful and swollen finger called?
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Why is my middle finger red and swollen?

There could be any number of reasons why your finger is red and swollen - but it usually indicates some type of inflammation. It happens to me because of arthritis. I suggest you talk to a doctor.

Red swollen and painful lips?

it could be an infection you should see a doctor.

What does your finger look like if it is jamed?

Jammed and then unjammed ??If it had been jammed into something it will be red and swollen. If small piece of skin has been jammed it might go purple. It will be very painful. IT IS VERY VERY VERY PAINFUL, so dont do it stupid... :D

What physical change can occur with the onset of vaginal candidiasis?

The vulva and vagina can be red, swollen, and painful.

Is the red, swollen mark on the back of my hand a spider bite?

If the red swollen mark at the back of your hand seems like a raised red welt and there is a spot on the middle and feels so itchy and painful, then probably it is a spider bite.

Red streaks going up my arm and my index finger is swollen?

Go to a doctor or hospital immediately!

Is the fin of the fish will dissolve if it stuck in your finger?

No, from my experience, the fins will remain in your hand most of the time. It is painful and can lead to infections. A few years ago, while cutting a pargo, one of the fishbones got stuck in my finger. I neglected it, but it was really painful. After a week or so, my finger could not move anymore and it was swollen and red. Had to go to the doctor, who cut it open, extracted the piece of fishbone, close it up and gave me antibiotics. In short, if you have fishbones in your finger, try to take it out or go see a doctor. PS: If it is a relatively small fishbone, it might dissolve, but I am not sure about that.

How do you know if your tragus piercing is infected?

If its been swollen, discolored (red/purple), or itchy for more than 2-3 weeks. Or if the drainage from the piercing is a dark yellow/greenish color. It could just be irritated if its red and swollen. Go check with your piercer to be sure.

What is wrong if you have a small red lump on your bottom eyelid that is swollen red and painful?

I think it could be a stye but I'm not sure. i have the same thing. and it is really sore.

What does an infected surgical site look like?

Normally it would be red with pus and very swollen. It would be unusually painful and you would defiantly know.

If your leg up to your knee is red swollen and very painful What is the problem?

This can sometimes be caused by a blood clot in which case you should get medical help as soon as possible.

My eyes burn swallowing hurts stuffy nose and swollen tonsils and im twelve what do i do?

they will be badly infected and likely have been infected at some point in the past. They will be red, swollen, very painful when swallowing and have white spots on them. your doctor should advise.