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Q: What is a rash on the face neck back and chest with shortness of breath?
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What are some of the symptoms of pleural mesothelimoa?

Shortness of breath, issues with your throat, sore throat, swollen face, harsh voice, and shortness of breath are some symptons of pleural mesothelioma. Visit a doctor to get an accurate diagnosis.

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Before heart failure, some of the common symptoms are fatigue, shortness of breath, and a general feeling of being under the weather. There may be chest pains and difficulty breathing. Sometimes, the face, ankles, or wrists may swell up due to water retention.

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chest not rising or lowering, you chan't feel a breath on your face, or will not fog a mirror

What is a rash on your face back and chest and is also in ears and lobes There are many pus filled lumps and stomach is swollen Many are painful to the touch?

What's this rash on face ears top of back and top of chest

Where does acne occur?

Mostly in the face, sometimes the chest and the back. it does not occur in the leg, though. Unless it is chicken pox.

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ye nans bummmmmmm

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Some of the symptoms of the disease sarcoidosis are, shortness of breath, fatigue, a rash on your arms, face of shins. However it is important to remember that every person will experience the symptoms differently.

What are some signs of Mesothelioma?

Pleural Mesothelioma SymptomsSome of the symptoms of pleural mesothelioma (mesothelioma cancer of the lung lining) include:pain in the lower back or the side of the chest (over half of patients experience this)chest pain under the rib cageshortness of breatha dry persistent cough, which may bring up blooddifficulty swallowing (food or liquids)hoarsenessswelling of the face and armsfever and sweatingfatigueabdominal swellingabdominal painunexplained weight lossSome of the symptoms are also common to many minor ailments and, therefore, may not cause a doctor to suspect mesothelioma.However, a pleural effusion, one of the most common and specific symptoms of pleural mesothelioma, is the accumulation of fluid between the lungs and chest cavity. This generally causes shortness of breath, and requires a doctor to drain the fluid, to make breathing easier and relieve chest pain. This symptom is more unique to mesothelioma, making it more likely that you may have the disease.You can find much more information at

What are symptoms of Coronavirus?

According to the CDC, fever, cough, and shortness of breath are the main symptoms of COVID-19. Severity of the symptoms range from mild to life-threatening. The CDC recommends calling your doctor if you think you’ve been exposed to the virus and have these symptoms. You should get medical attention immediately if you have difficulty breathing, persistent pain or pressure in your chest, bluish lips or face, or new confusion.

What are the Coronavirus symptoms?

According to the CDC, fever, cough, and shortness of breath are the main symptoms of COVID-19. Severity of the symptoms range from mild to life-threatening. The CDC recommends calling your doctor if you think you’ve been exposed to the virus and have these symptoms. You should get medical attention immediately if you have difficulty breathing, persistent pain or pressure in your chest, bluish lips or face, or new confusion.