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That sounds like it could be ring worm. Is it red and under the skin ? Go see a doctor.

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Q: What is a rash in the shape of a C?
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What is a rash in the shape of a circle on the head?

It might be ringworm. If it's just like, a circle that's not filled in, it's ringworm. If it's a filled in circle, it might be a normal rash that's, well, circle-shaped.

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An anti-yeast and vitamin C rich diet can help cure a rash. The best site that I've come across pertaining to this question is

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In C-Sharp (C#), the sharp stands for: ++ ++ Which would looks like a pound sign. Which indicates a sharp in musical notation. This is to pay hommage to C++ and show it's ancestry (e.g., C was the predecessor of C++)

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C. Hatcher has written: 'What shape is it?' 'What size is it?'

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What is a shape starting with c?

Circle, cube and cylinder are shapes. They begin with the letter c.

What is the homophone for rash?

The word rash doesn't have a homophone. A synonym for rash is wave, as in a rash or wave of burglaries. A homophone for wave is waive.

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Maculopapular rash-- A rash characterized by raised, spotted lesions.

Can acupuncture cause a rash?

Yes, acupuncture can cause rash & hives.