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Q: What is a possible long term health effect of stress?
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Which of the following is a possible long-term health effect of stress?

(Apex) Obesity.

How does long term stress affect blood flow?

Long term stress can have a detrimental affect on physical and mental health.

Which symptoms of diabetes may effect my health over the long term?

All symptoms of diabetes could potentially effect your health long-term. Diabetes is a serious disease that should be treated immediately. If you have many symptoms, schedule a doctor's visit as soon as possible.

What could could be a long term health effect of chemical pesticide use?

Cancer, neurological disorders, and reproductive issues are all possible long term effects of exposure to pesticides.

What is the short-term stress hormone?

what are the Long-term overexposure to stress hormones

How can long - term stress be harmful to your health?

Note: you would be better off asking a professional or specialist. Long term stress can be harmful to your body in many ways. Stress is what causes depression. Too much stress can lead to physical and emotional problems, which is why you should find ways to cope with your stress or how to decrease your stress levels.

What are some of the long term health consequences of stress?

It can lead to heart problems and eventually eariler death.

What form of stress can cause immediate and long-term problems with an emt's health and well being?

Shift work

What are the possible effects of computer addiction to your health?

The effects of lack of exercise and fresh air, possible poor nutrition if it is affecting your eating habits, effects of isolation from other people (known to be bad for both physical and mental health), and mundane things like eyestrain, possible joint and tendon trauma, possible hemorrhoids and the other effects of sitting in front of a monitor for long periods. If it affects your relationship or marriage, that too will create stress from which you can run, but not hide.

Can cellulitis be caused by stress?

I would say that indirectly that is possible and try to explain why is that. It is possible if some person is exposed to large quantities of stress usually responds with weakened natural immune system. In that circumstances our body is not strong as usual and bacteria may enter (usually through minor skin trauma) and cause cellulitis. Any person who is long term exposed to stress can weakened natural body defense system and get different diseases and other health problems.

What impact does stress have on men's health?

Become temperamental, and easily frustrated.

How does the amount ot stress and tension affect both the brain and heart?

Stress has a profound effect on your ability to learn new things, because your brain is unable to store information in the long term memory. The long term affects of stress on the brain is a stroke. Stress causes pressure on the heart muscle and leads to heart diseases.