The shape is like all spiders a sack and a body
It means that it is really not flattering- If you think about what a potato sack looks like, its just loose and has no shape to it at all. Its just a bag that brushes over the curves of a body. So it is not flattering.
The skeletal, muscular, and integumentary (skin) systems provide support, allow movement, and protect the body. Without bones and muscles, the body would be like an empty sack of skin, without shape and the ability to move. The skin plays an added, critical role because it protects the body from hazards, prevents fluid loss, and helps control temperature.
The sack-like muscular organ attached to the esophagus is the stomach. It plays a key role in digesting food by secreting enzymes and acids, breaking down food into smaller particles that are then passed on to the small intestine for further absorption.
ball sack
hit the sack means to go to bed or to sleep.It means he has gone to bed - hitting the sack is a slang way of saying your body will hit the bed when you lie down.
no its normal for men
The main benefit of a halo sleep sack compared to a blanket is the closed sack that will keep the legs and body warm inside the whole night even when having an uneasy sleep.
the ball sack and the Adams apple
sacculated aneurysm or a saclike bulging on one side of an artery. Syn: ampullary aneurysm.
I would have thought that once the (dry) grains were removed from the constraints of a sack, gravity would make them spread out. The only other thing would be, is that the grains are moist. This moistness would tend to make them keep in a more upright clump!