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Q: What is a palindrome for More blood like in color?
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What is a palindrome more blood like in color?


What is the palindrome for more blood like in color?

Redder means more like blood in colour.

What is a palindrome meaning more blood like in color?


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What color is Edward Cullens eyes after he drinks blood?

after animal blood his eyes are golden butterscotch like color but after human, like any other vampire, they become red tinged. The more human blood he drinks the redder his eyes will become.

Does Frankenstein have blood?

actually he does have blood but not human blood, its more of a monster, morbid blood and more thicher and darker in color & consistency. Franklenstein is shown to not lose weakness if it loses blood, blood doesnt work the same way in his body like it does in humans

You would like information on vamipire bat blood?

i would like to know all information on animal bats. Their blood color and why it has that color?

Can a blood test detect lesbianism?

No more than it can detect your favorite ice cream or why you like the color blue. Sexuality is a preference and not something that can be detected by blood counts.

What is the colour of octopas blood?

It is like a bluish color

Is the word river a example a palindrome?

No, the word river is not a palindrome. A palindrome is a word that reads the same forwards and backwards, like "radar" or "level".

What is a palindrome for to paper again?

RepaperA palindrome is spelled the same in either direction- like repaper.