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The PaCO2 range is 35 to 45 mmHg

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32-48 mmHg

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4 mm HG

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44-46 mmHg

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Q: What is a normal PaCO2?
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What are the normal ranges for PaO2 and PaCO2?


What is elevated PaCO2?

It's a level of carbon dioxide in the blood that's higher than normal.

What is the best indication of the adequacy of alveolar ventilation?

The best indication of the adequacy of alveolar ventilation is the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) in arterial blood. This measurement reflects how effectively the lungs are removing carbon dioxide from the body, which is a waste product of metabolism. Proper alveolar ventilation ensures that PaCO2 levels remain within the normal range.

What is a list of the normal arterial blood gas values?

There are many measures of Arterial Blood Gases. The most common measure oxygen (by PaO2) and carbon dioxide (by PaCO2) levels. Normal PaO2 is 80-100 mmHg. Normal PaCO2 is 35-45 mmHg. Bicarbonate is sometimes measured and its value is 22-26 mmHg. Other measurements are also taken depending on the situation. Source:

What are the normal measure for arterial pco2?

35-45 mm Hg --- The normal PaCO2 (arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the blood) is 40mmHg. There is a normal range, which is 35-45mmHg. For those with COPD 60 or below is good.

What element decreases in hyperventilation?

decreased PAco2

What is the best index of effective ventilation?


A paco2 of 65 and a pao2 of 88 what do these results mean?

high level of carbon dioxide in the blood stream which could be from a multitude of reasons. At 65 mm hg, the CO2 level is very high relative to normal range of 35 o 45. The PAO2 is in normal range at 88. The high PACO2 would cause the pH of the blood to be elevated without increased bicarbonates from the kidney or external delivery to compensate.

What is the normal respiratory drive?

The average healthy individual is stimulated to breath by the carbonic drive, or increased levels of carbon dioxide. When our paco2 levels increase our internal ph levels decrease causing us to become acidotic. Therefore, we breathe more in an attempt to blow of the excess paco2 subsequently increasing our ph and regaining homeostasis.

How do you define the Paco2-PeCo2 equation?

It is part of the anatomic dead space calculation. PaCO2 (arterial carbon dioxide) minus PeCO2 (end tidal CO2) The formula for calculating anatomic dead space (the space where there is ventilation without perfusion in the respiratory system, between mouth and terminal bronchi) PaCO2-PeCO2/PaCO2. Accurate values for calculation need to be obtained from an ABG (arterial blood gas)

What organ excretes paco2?

the aveoli in the lungs and skin

What is the value of PaCO2 in mmHg?

35-45 mm Hg