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Drinking Cranberry juice is advised...but it is always best to consult your doctor.

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Q: What is a non western treatment approach for a bladder infection?
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Are there any home remedies for canine bladder infection?

There are home remedies that are available on the internet (just Google the keywords listed in your question). However, a bladder infection in a dog is caused by bacteria. If the bacteria are not killed, they can cause an ascending infection, attack the kidneys and in long-standing infections cause kidney failure which is invariably fatal. Using home remedies for infections that can generally be easily, effectively and affordably treated through conventional Western medicine is not advised.

What is allopathic treatment?

Allopathic treatment refers to the practice of conventional medicine that focuses on treating symptoms using medications or surgeries. It is the mainstream approach to healthcare that is used in most hospitals and clinics.

Can a doctor refuse treatment to patients in western Australia?

no no

What approach should a health care provider take when a patient requests to first seek traditional healthcare instead of western medicine treatment?

It's always the patients choice but you have to explain the risks for them and make sure they understand. They can discharge themselves.

Who specializes in treating health problems by manipulation and with traditional forms of medical treatment?

Osteopathic physicians use manipulative treatment as well as western medical treatment.

How do you do western blotting from RNA?

A western blot cannot be prepared from RNA. Only a protein sample can be run with a western blotting approach. The technique used to visualize RNA on a gel is called northern blotting.

What are the chances of living if you are diagnosed and treated for Swine Flu in the first 48 hours of infection?

For the current H1N1 strain of swine flu, if left untreated the chances of survival are approximately 98%. In the developed world with treatments including antivirals, survival rates will approach 100%. It is only if rates of infection become so high that the health services can't cope with the demand placed on them that death rates will be significant in western countries.

Which country in the Western Hemisphere had the lowest dengue fever infection in the last five years?

which country inthe western hemisphere had the lowest dengue fever infection in the last five years? obtain and summarized. Barbados, The Cayman Islands,St.Lucia, St Vincent and The Grenadines and Trinidad and Tobago

What does NR stands for western blot test?

Non Reactive - it means that the result is negative and that the sample tested did not show evidence of HIV infection.

How is HIV or AIDS diagnosed?

There are several different ways to confirm HIV infection. One of the most common confirmatory testing methods is by Western Blot. There is also a confirmatory test called ELISA.

What is the difference between western and non-western art?

The difference is in the approach. Non Western psychology believes in being interconnected and holistic in healing. Western psychology believes in the individual and uniqueness. Non western psychology believes in being apart of a group and the harmony within that group.

What is facial massage?

Facial massage is a very popular Western beauty treatment to slow down the aging process and achieve younger looking and healthier skin.