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a reflex

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Q: What is a movement caused by the spinal cord interpreting an impulse from sensory receptors?
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A response caused by the spinal cord interpreting an impulse from sensory receptors?


How does information from the sensory receptorsin the skin get to the brain?

The initial sensory receptor detects a change e.g temperature. This is sent as an electrical impulse via a series of sensory receptors to the spine, if there is a problem a reflex occurs. If there is no problem the impulse is transmitted to the brain through the spinal cord.

What lobe receives and interprets impulses from sensory receptors in the tongue and muscles?

The parietal lobe is responsible for receiving and interpreting impulses from sensory receptors in the tongue and muscles. It plays a role in processing sensations related to touch, temperature, and pain.

What is a response caused by the spinal cord interpreting an impulse from sensory receptors?

The only response by the spinal cord is not an interpretation but a reflex. A sensory impulse comes in and at the cord a reflexive arc occurs taking information to muscles or glands. The brain does the interpretation. You touch a hot stove and that info goes to the spinal cord which causes a reflexive action where the muscles move the hand away. All that happens before the brain gets an "incident report".

What does the sensory area in a brain do?

The sensory area of the brain processes information received from the body's sensory receptors, such as touch, taste, and smell. It helps in interpreting and making sense of these sensory signals, allowing us to perceive the environment around us.

Sensory receptors of the ear?

The ear contains sensory receptors such as hair cells in the cochlea, responsible for detecting sound waves, and the semicircular canals, which detect changes in head position and movement to help with balance. These receptors convert physical stimuli into electrical signals that are transmitted to the brain for interpretation.

Which type of neurone transmits the impulse from a motor to a sensory neurone?

There is no specific type of neuron that transmits impulses directly from a motor neuron to a sensory neuron. Motor neurons transmit signals from the central nervous system to muscles or glands, while sensory neurons transmit signals from sensory receptors to the central nervous system for processing. Communication between motor and sensory pathways typically involves interneurons within the central nervous system.

How are sensory receptors classified?

somatic receptors and special receptors

How does a stimulus trigger a sensory response?

A stimulus activates sensory receptors in the body, such as on the skin or in the eyes, ears, nose, or mouth. These receptors then send signals through nerves to the brain, where the information is processed and interpreted, resulting in a sensory response.

Where does a nerve impulse start?

A nerve impulse typically starts at the dendrites of a neuron, where it receives signals from other neurons or sensory receptors. These signals are then transmitted down the axon of the neuron to the axon terminals, where they can communicate with other neurons or target cells.

Which layer of the skin is compose of thousands of sensory receptors?

The dermis layer of the skin is composed of thousands of sensory receptors, including touch receptors, temperature receptors, and pain receptors. These receptors help you to feel sensations and respond to your environment.

What do sensory receptors enable you to do?

Sensory receptors enable you to respond to stimuli in the environment of an organism. Some sensory receptors respond to taste and smell while others respond to physical stimuli.