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Xenophobia - fear of strangers, foreigners, or aliens.

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Zoophobia is a general fear of animals

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Q: What is a morbid fear of animals?
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What phobia is the fear of water?

Answer: Aquaphobia is the morbid fear of water.

What is chronaphobia?

Morbid fear of the duration or immensity of time.

Of what did Sigmund Freud have a morbid fear?

Sigmund Freud had a morbid fear of getting cancer, likely due to the fact that his father died of the disease. He also had a fear of traveling by train, which he believed heightened his risk of developing cancer.

What does paraskevidkeviekatriaphobic stand for?

A morbid, irrational fear of Friday the 13th.

Peladophobia is the morbid fear of what in people?

Baldness/bald people

What is Cyanophobia?

Cyanophobia is the morbid fear of dogs while cynophobia is the abnormal fear of the color blue

What phobia is when your afraid of cats?

Ailurophobia is the morbid fear of cats,

What does 'cyrophobic' mean?

Cyrophobic - adjective; Having the fear of ice.I would say "fear of cold." defines "cryophobia" as "a morbid fear of freezing."

What is spermaphobia?

Spermatophobia is the morbid, unrealistic fear of losing semen. This phobia can result in a fear of sex which can damage relationships.

What does the word phobia come from?

Phobia comes from the Greek φόβος, phóbos, meaning fear or morbid fear.The language is Greek.

What is a pohbia?

Any objectively unfounded morbid dread or fear that arouses a state of panic. The word is used as a combining form in many terms expressing the object that inspires the fear.