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A milk allergy is caused by a protein specifically found in cow's milk. It is not the same as being lactose intolerant because that is an inability to digest a sugar found in cow's milk. See the related link for more information.

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16y ago
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13y ago


an allergy to the proteins found in milk.

reactions can include itchy skin, rash, vomiting, throat closing and death (anaphylaxis).

carry epipen, carry benedryl for milder rash reactions.

AVOID the thing one is allergic to is the only way to prevent reaction to it.

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9y ago

There are many milk allergy symptoms. Flatulence is a major sign that your body is not breaking down the proteins in the milk. Sometimes diarrhea is present as well.

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4y ago

galactosemia, most sever galactosemia is: type1 classic galactosemia

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Q: What is a milk allergy symptom?
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You can be allergic to whey protein if you have an allergy to milk products. Many products have whey in them, so if you have a milk allergy, you should check all food labels.

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