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A mental disability is a disorder that affects someone's mental performance, thoughts, and processes. Mental disabilities hinder a person's ability to function normally in society.

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15y ago

when a person has a lower then normal IQ and considerable problems funcutioning in everyday life.

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Q: What is a mental disability?
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How many kinds of retardation is there?

Mental retardation has different levels. There is Mild intellectual disability; moderate intellectual disability; severe intellectual disability; and Profound intellectual disability.

How does 70 points or below cause you to have a mental disability?

An Intelligence Quotient (IQ) test score of 70 or below does NOT cause you to have a mental disability. It is an indication of a mental disability based on the questions in the test and the answers provided by the person who took the test.

Can you be on mental disability and live out of the US?

Yes. I am on mental disability and I live in a cloud village above Newfoundland, where I control weather patterns with my mind.

When does the developmental disability known as mental retardation strike an individual?

Mental retardation is a developmental disability that first appears in children under the age of 18.

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What disAbility benefits are there?

There are disability benefits for people that might be facing problems with their health. There are also disability benefits for people with mental problems as well.

Is autism a mental handicap?

No, autism is not a mental handicap.Handicap is an offensive term, a more appropriate term may be disability. Autism is a neurological difference, although some Autistic people may be disabled autism is not a mental disability.

Is dyslexia a mental illness?

no. dyslexia is not the same as mental retardation.

Why does mental disability happen?

I believe mental disability occurs because of genetic impairments in the brain causing somewhat a malfunction when born therefore leaving the specimen mentally disabled.

What is a mental disability and how does it impact a persons everyday life?

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Is mental illness a form of intellechial disabiolity?

Intellectual Disability...............

What is a mental disability and how does is impact a persons everyday life?

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