There is no collective noun for pencils, maybe be you could use 'bunch'.
the group name is called art supplies !
A person who sells pencils and inkpots is called a stationery vendor or a stationary supply retailer.
Confusing question. You don't "make" carbon, but one particular form is used for pencils, graphite.
No, a pack of pencils would not be considered a collective noun. A collective noun is a word used to represent a group of people, animals, or things as a singular entity, such as "herd" for cows or "team" for players.
Map pencils refer to colored pencils that are made out of wood. They are called map pencils because of their use in the classroom. Colored pencils can be purchased at nearly any office supply store, or major super store. Described as map pencils because of their use in the classroom Read more :
Map pencils refer to colored pencils that are made out of wood. They are called map pencils because of their use in the classroom. Colored pencils can be purchased at nearly any office supply store, or major super store. Described as map pencils because of their use in the classroom Read more :
Aichmophobia well this is the fear of sharp things such as pencil