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The fulcrum in this case would be your elbow joints.

more specifically the trochlea and capitulum on the humerus which articulate with the radius and ulna

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Q: What is a fulcrum for a biceps curl?
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Is the hammer curl and preacher curl similar?

hammer curl targets the bicep branchi and preacher curl targets the lower area of biceps..

What are curl-ups?

A curl up is an exercise where you are when you are pulling your self up, but in a curl motion which help the biceps or your arms and also your abs.

What are curl- ups?

A curl up is an exercise where you are when you are pulling your self up, but in a curl motion which help the biceps or your arms and also your abs.

The front curl is a muscular resistance exercise that primarily works which muscle group?

The Front Curl works with the biceps.

What are the benefits of doing preachers curl?

Properly done, the preacher curl isolates the biceps allowing you to focus on it almost exclusively.

What muscles get worked in an arm curl?

When you preform an arm curl, you use your bicep muscle. it all depends on how you curl. If you curl straight up or do a twisting motion while curling. You use your shoulder and bicep and maybe a small portion of the pectoral muscle where it meets the shoulder.

What class lever is used in bicep curl?

The biceps is a class 3 lever

What is the agonist in a dumbbell curl?

The antagonist to the Triceps are the biceps-brachii

What are the load effort force and the fulcrum in a biceps muscle?

In the biceps muscle, the load is the weight or resistance being lifted, such as a dumbbell. The effort force is generated by the muscle itself to lift the load. The fulcrum is the point in the body where the muscle attaches and pivots to create movement.

What is the best record for a biceps curl at 70 kg of body weight?

15 reps