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Q: What is a degenerative disorder that can cause loss of normal spinal structure function?
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A is a condition of abnormal structure or function of the body and a is a disruption of interference with normal function?

Condition A refers to a physical or physiological abnormality, such as a disease or disorder, that affects the structure or function of the body. Whereas, interference with normal function, denoted as disruption a, can refer to any factor that hinders or prevents the body from functioning as it should, potentially leading to the development of a condition.

What is a disorder that interferes with the normal function of the large intestine colon?

Colitis? Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

What is required for an individual to have a sex-linked disorder?

A sex-linked disorder is when a mutation of genes overrides the normal function of a another gene. For example, male-pattern baldness is a sex-linked disorder.

What can patients expect after arthroplasty?

People who have degenerative or inflammatory diseases must understand that they will not suddenly have a normal joint, even while they will gain pain relief and improved function.

Is schizophrenia a disability?

People with schizophrenia usually have normal cognitive function at the beginning of the course of schizophrenia.

What is the difference between a disorder and an impairment?

A disorder is a functional abnormality or disturbance in the body's structure, function, or behavior, while an impairment is a reduction in function or ability of a particular body part or system. Disorders are the underlying conditions that may cause impairments in various aspects of a person's life.

What is the difference between a phobia and an anxiety disorder?

Phobia is a minor type of afraid to something, and anxiety disorder is highness scared level, that produce anxiety on the human or any alive thing, animal etc.The normal level generates adrenaline production on every body , the over production of that could be dangerous to the normal function of the system on every body.Its normal become anxiousness on an abnormal situation. After it happened , step by step the body recover the normal function. Otherwise it becomes on some phobia, or if gets worse some anxiety disorder.

What term means a bone disorder of unknown cause that destroys normal bone structure and replaces it with scar like tissue?

Fibrous Dysplasia

What is psycho?

When your brain doesn't function the way the accuser sees as normal A psychopath is a person who is suffering from a chronic mental disorder and has abnormal as well as violent behavior.

What does it mean when a structure bifurcates?

Bifurcates means the structure divides into two parts. For example, the trachea and pulmonary trunk both bifurcate. The word indicates something normal, not abnormal. It describes the appearance of the structure, not function.

A normal couple has 5 children 2 of whom suffered from somewhat uncommon genetic disorder that has however appeared sporadically in this familial line what kind of gene is responsible for this case?

It would depend on the genetic disorder. certain genes are responsible for eye function while others can be responsible for immune system function.

What does degenerated mean?

In the context of biology or genetics, degenerated usually means a loss of function or quality in an organism, organ, or gene. It can refer to a decline or deterioration in structure or function that may result in diminished efficiency or ability.