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Q: What is a cross bridge in a muscle contraction?
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What best describes the events of excitation in excitation-contraction coupling?

cross bridge formation "Excitation-contraction coupling" connects muscle fiber excitation to the muscle fiber contraction (cross bridge formation). During contraction, myosin heads form cross bridges many times-with each cross bridge generating a small amount of tension in the muscle fiber.

How would a drug that interferes with cross bridge formation affect muscle contraction?

A drug that interferes with cross-bridge formation would prevent the myosin heads from binding to actin filaments, impairing the sliding filament mechanism essential for muscle contraction. This would result in a decrease in muscle force generation and overall muscle contraction efficiency.

What describes the events of contraction in excitation-contraction coupling?

cross bridge formation "Excitation-contraction coupling" connects muscle fiber excitation to the muscle fiber contraction (cross bridge formation). During contraction, myosin heads form cross bridges many times-with each cross bridge generating a small amount of tension in the muscle fiber.

How do cross bridge power stroke bring about shortening of muscle contraction in human?

During muscle contraction, the cross-bridge power stroke occurs when myosin heads bind to actin filaments and then pivot or "power stroke," pulling the actin filaments towards the center of the sarcomere. This action causes the muscle fibers to shorten, resulting in overall muscle contraction.

What is the process of excitation contraction coupling?

Excitation-contraction coupling is the process in muscle cells where an action potential triggers the release of calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The calcium ions bind to troponin, causing a conformational change that allows myosin to bind to actin and initiate muscle contraction. When the action potential ceases, calcium ions are pumped back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum, leading to muscle relaxation.

What is cross bridge cycling?

when the Thick filaments pull the thin filaments toward the center of the sarcomere

How would the loss of acetylcholinesterase from the motor end affect skeletal muscle?

Acetylcholine release is necessary for skeletal muscle contraction, because it serves as the first step in the process, enabling the subsequent cross-bridge formation. A muscle's ability to contract depends on the formation of cross-bridges between myosin & actin filaments. A drug that blocks acetylcholine release would interfere with this cross-bridge formation and prevent muscle contraction

Which proteins found myofilaments contains the cross bridge?

The protein found in myofilaments that forms the cross-bridge during muscle contraction is called myosin. Myosin interacts with actin, another protein in the myofilament, to generate the force necessary for muscle contraction.

Cross-bridge formation that results in muscle contraction requires intracellular?

calcium ions. When muscle cells are stimulated, calcium ions bind to troponin, which allows the myosin heads to form cross-bridges with actin filaments, initiating muscle contraction.

When myosin is attached to actin this is called a?

When myosin is attached to actin, it forms a cross-bridge. This attachment allows for the sliding of actin filaments along myosin filaments, leading to muscle contraction.

Glycerinated muscle requires the addition of what molecule to supply the energy for muscle contraction?

Glycerinated muscle requires the addition of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) to supply the energy needed for muscle contraction. ATP is essential for the cross-bridge cycling process that allows muscle fibers to contract.

What is the time in which cross bridges are active called?

The time in which cross bridges are active during muscle contraction is called the "cross-bridge cycle." This cycle involves the binding of myosin heads to actin filaments, power stroke generation, and detachment of the cross bridges.