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It is the name of the emergency cart that has the emergency drugs, usually an oxygen tank, a defribillator or AED, and maybe a few other items such as a backboard, IV fuids, or a portable suction unit. Generally only used if there is a "code blue" or significant medical emergency.

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Q: What is a crash cart in dental office?
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What is another name for a Crash cart?

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How do you say welcome to your Dental office in Tagalog?

You can say "Maligayang pagdating sa iyong Dental office" in Tagalog to mean "Welcome to your Dental office."

What does office emergency crash kit mean?

Office emergency crash kit

Where would you commonly find the dental laboratory in a dental office?

The dental laboratory is located in a separate area of the dental office(away from the patient treatment area).

What does a dental radiologist do?

Once you get a dental radiology certification you would get work in a dental office scanning and xraying teeth. You will also be analysising the images for the dental office as well.

Contents of crash carts and crash carts medicines?

Crash cart is containing medicine uses for emergency such as : atropin , dopamine, doputamine , aminophiline, verapamile, adrenaline ,,,

Why is diazepam used on a crash cart?

This drug is often used for Grandmal seizures

What is a suction device used for in a crash cart?

To clear liquids out of the airway/mouth

What is a crash cart is used specifically for?

The 'crash cart' is hospital slang for the trolley that carries emergency defibrillation equipment and drugs in the event of a patient going into cardiac arrest. It is portable, and can be rushed to the patient's bedside in the event of emergency.

Do odds of being in a fatal car crash increase if you drive a lot?

Yes. If you always drove a donkey cart on roads with other donkey carts, your odds of being killed in a donkey cart crash would increase.