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A collection of blood under the dura is a subdural hematoma.
Subdural hematoma
Subdural hematoma is the medical term meaning accumulation of blood in the space beneath the dura.

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Q: What is a collection of blood located below the dura mater?
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Related questions

What is the medical term meaning collection of blood above the dura mater?

Epidural is the medical term meaning above the dura mater, or the area between the dur mater and the vertebral body.

Where is the pina mater located?

I think you mean pia mater which is the innermost layer of the meninges. It is a thin layer that is attached to the brain and spinal cord and has many blood vessels and neurons.

What is an arachnoid mater?

An arachnoid mater is a membrane which protects the brain and spinal cord below the dura mater and above the subarachnoid space and the pia mater.

Where is subarachnoid space located?

Between the Arachnoid mater and the Pia mater

Which of the three meningeal layers forms the dural venous sinuses?

The dura mater forms the dural venous sinuses, which are venous channels located between the layers of the dura mater in the brain. These sinuses are important structures for draining blood and cerebrospinal fluid from the brain.

Where is the dura mater in the eyeball?

The dura mater is a thick membrane that covers and protects the brain and spinal cord. It is not located in the eyeball; instead, the structures within the eyeball are covered by a different membrane called the sclera.

Where is Mater Hospital located in?

Mater Hospital is located on Eccles Street in Dublin. Dublin is the capital city of Ireland. Ireland is located near to the United Kingdom and is in Europe.

Where is the subarachnoid space located?

The subarachnoid space is located between the arachnoid mater and the pia mater, which are two of the layers that surround the brain and spinal cord. It is filled with cerebrospinal fluid, providing cushioning and support to the central nervous system.

What fluid is contained in the arachnoid and pia mater?

Well, technically between the arachnoid mater and the pia mater is the SUBARACHNOID space. This is where the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is located.

How do you pronounce Mater dei?

The way to pronounce Mater Dei is May-ter Dee. Mater Dei is a high school that is located in Santa Ana, California.

What is the medical term for below the Dora mater of the meninges?


Which body part brings Deoxygenated blood back from brain?

The deoxygenated blood leaves the brain via the dural sinuses. These are large veinous structures located in the dura mater that connect with the internal jugular vein.