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having 2 poles

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Q: What is a bipolar magnet?
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Why are magnets bipolar?

Magnets have two poles, a north pole and a south pole, because of the alignment of their electrons. The electrons in a magnet tend to align in the same direction, creating a magnetic field that has distinct north and south poles. This property is due to the presence of magnetic domains within the material, which align and create a bipolar magnet.

What is bipolar NOS?

Bipolar NOS is a category for bipolar states that do not clearly fit into the bipolar I, II, or cyclothymia diagnoses.

How do you say bipolar disorder in Spanish?

Desorden bipolar o trastorno bipolar

Can your children get bipolar?

Kids can definitely get Bipolar, especially if one (or both) of the parents are Bipolar.

How do you spell bipolar?

Bipolar is the correct spelling.

How do you say 'bipolar' in Spanish?

Translation of bipolar: The same word is used.

Who gives grant money for bipolar disorder sufferers?

What is unipolar or monopolar device?

Bipolar refers to something that has two distinct (often opposite) characteristics and Unipolar has only one of those characteristics. For example all magnets are bipolar because every magnet has both a North and a South pole. All protons are unipolar because every proton has only a positive charge. Some people are said to have bipolar personalities because they have two distinct personalities which are frequently very different from each other.

Can paranoia happen with bipolar II?

It is much less likely with bipolar II than with bipolar I, but yes it can.

Does bipolar exist?

Yes, bipolar is a real disease.

Was Rosa Parks bipolar?

No, Rosa Parks was not bipolar.

What is the meaning of 'Bipolar 3'?

It means you have bipolar 3.