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some words that are better then sad are:

unhappy, depresed, miserable, tearful, sorrowful, and full of sadness

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Q: What is a better word for sad when you are describing someone?
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What a better word than sad?

there are no better words than sad

What is a better word then sad?

A better word than sad would be melancholy or gloomy. Morose, despondent, unhappy

What is a better word for sad?


What does it mean when someone has the blues?

Having "the blues" typically refers to feeling sad, down, or melancholic. It is a colloquial way of describing feelings of loneliness, sadness, or depression.

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I think he must be describing someone who is extremely sad and really needs to allow themselves to cry. By 'parched orbs' he seems to be describing eyes that have not yet been wet by tears.

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Either empathy or codependency, depending on the circumstances.

Is the word sad a verb?

No. The word sad is an adjective.

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The sad waters are being personified in this sentence. They are given human qualities by describing them as sad.

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A stronger word for sad is "devastated".

What is the French word for 'sad'?

The French for the word 'sad' is triste

What is another word for sad is Spanish?

Another word for "sad" in Spanish is "triste."