Many people regarded Great Britain's attempt to imnperialize the world as just another form of repression.
When Aurora saw the A on her history paper, she couldn't repress her delight.
i believe you already did
The past tense of repress is repressed.
The Private Repress was created in 2003.
An iron repression means one shows very little emotion. They keep things bottled up inside.
It repress time.
repress, squash, defeat
"Sikil" means to repress
internal and external forces.
Adulation, praise, compliment, and flattery.
Get out of town! Get out of here. The umpire called the batter 'out' after the third strike. Sometimes people repress their sexual orientations until a point in their lives when they reveal it to others. This process is often called "coming out of the closet." He was out cold!