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People either have normal glucose (blood sugar) regulation, or they are Diabetic, which is having the condition of Diabetes or high blood sugar. A Borderline Diabetic is someone who is beginning to have blood glucose levels that are consistently higher than normal, but the pancreas is still producing enough insulin to keep the person from going into full diabetes. Doctors use "borderline diabetes" to tell the person he or she needs to pay better attention to their weight, what they eat, and how much they exercise so the person's body will continue to produce insulin and regulate blood glucose levels, and that then, the condition will hopefully not progress to full diabetes.

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10y ago

The symptoms of borderline diabetes are excessive thirst and cravings for sweets. Borderline diabetes can be controlled with regular exercise, a healthy diet consisting of plenty of fruits and vegetables and a control of sugar intake.

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14y ago

Called Pre-diabetes. The pancreas works for the most part, but not completely, causing high blood sugar levels than normal.

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10y ago

If you are a borderline diabetic, you should have lots for fiber in you diet because fiber help in melting the fats and sugar in your food and must always eat natural food.

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Yes. It's called pre-diabetes.

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It depends on the individual. For some susceptible/sensitive people (whether insulin resistant, borderline diabetic, or diabetic) even a sugar substitute can cause problems. If you are going to try a sugar substitute, use stevia rather than anything else.

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If you're diabetic already, it's not too bad. If you're wondering if you're diabetic, it's definitely on the high side and you should have yourself checked -- you could be borderline or pre-diabetic.

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The simple definition of borderline diabetes is having a blood sugar rating that is higher than normal but not quite high enough to be considered diabetes. It is assumed that a borderline diabetic will turn into a diabetic at some point so it's a good idea to follow the regular diabetic diet plan. This includes lots of fiber, low-fat and all natural foods and lots of water. For more information see

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Insulin resistant people and people who are borderline diabetic should not (ideally) consume any added sugar and should avoid foods that have added sugars. In addition, you now need to count all your carbohydrates (as well as sugar). If you want something sweet, use a sugar substitute called stevia.

What do glucose monitors measure?

Glucose monitors measure blood sugar levels in humans. Many people who are diabetic or borderline diabetic must monitor their blood sugar levels. Glucose monitors for personal use can be purchased at almost any drug store.

If Im borderline diabetic and eat cake what might be the consequences?

You could possibly hurt yourself by eating cake when you are boderline diabetic. Diabetes is a serious condition where your body cannot produce insulin to help you digest sugar. Do not eat too much sugar or fatty foods if diabetes is a concern.

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Borderline deficient and borderline retarded.

Is borderline diabetes also known as type 2?

No, borderline diabetes is termed prediabetes or impaired glucose tolerance. It indicates that your body, for whatever reason (most commonly insulin resistance or inadequate secretion of insulin) has elevated levels of glucose that does not qualify as "diabetic" levels. This may progress to diabetes in time, or the glucose levels may return to normal.

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Borderline Patrol was created in 2004.

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