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wat is the sunburn index

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Q: What is Sunburn Index?
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Related questions

What is a reflective sunburn?

A reflecting sunburn is a sunburn that does not last long.

Is it 'a sunburn' or 'sunburn'?

The most common way is 'a sunburn.' I got a sunburn. You will get a sunburn. Without the article is often used in the past tense, 'I got sunburned.'

What animal can get a 'sunburn'?

Only hairless animals get a sunburn. Pigs can get sunburn.

Is sunburn compound word?

sunburn is a compound word. sun + burn = sunburn

Is sunburn a compound word?

Sunburn is a compound word. sun + burn = sunburn

Is Sunburn the skylander a girl?

No, Sunburn is a boy.

Will swimming in a chlorinated pool after getting a sunburn aggravate the sunburn?

It actually will help sooth the sunburn

Can infrared light cause a sunburn?

No, infrared does not cause sunburn. Those are ultraviolet rays that cause sunburn.

How do elephants keep from getting sunburn?

do elephants get sunburn

When was Sunburn - film - created?

Sunburn - film - was created in 1979.

Where can you buy skylander Sunburn?

I think you can get sunburn in amazon for 49.90

What is the chemical equation of getting a tan or sunburn?

A chemical equation for sunburn doesn't exist. Sunburn destroy ADN in the skin cells.