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A sinus headache that turns into a bump on the head and then turns into a scab could actually be a boil. You should see a doctor for confirmation.

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Q: What is Sinus headache that turns to a bump on the head then turns to scab?
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Effective Sinus Headache Relief Options?

Sinus headaches tend to result in a strong, throbbing pain near the front of the head and are caused by a sinus inflammation. There are numerous treatments for sinus headache relief, such as certain drugs that may be purchased over the counter or antibiotics prescribed by a doctor. These are not meant to cure the headache directly, but are supposed to reduce the inflammation that is causing the headache.

What makes a headache change from top of head to side to base of skull?

possible sinus infection

What would make the right side of your head hurt?

Hurt as in Headache or Pain as in a bump? The stems on glasses can cause a headache if pressing too tight on top of the ear, if you just rec'd a new pair of rx glasses that can cause it also. Did you bump your head and maybe forget about it, sometimes a small bump matters.

What is the Pain at front of head and to nose when put head down forwards?

This sounds like a sinus headache, which is usually felt in the morning or when you lean your head forward.

Shooting pain in head?

Shooting pains in the head can be a symptom of a number of things. It can be a migraine headache, ad sinus headache, or head pain caused by a sore tooth.

You feel like there is a hat on your head Is this a symptom of a sinus headache?

I'm sure that you're a hat lover that even when there's no hat on ur head you feel like it is there.

What is pain and pressure in the back of your head near the ear being nausea and a headache?

Could be a sinus infection, you sometimes get a sinus infection after having some dental fixes like a crown or root canal even if you never had sinus trouble before

Can A Sinus infection cause a bump on the side of your head above your ear?

Yes, a sinus infection can cause an ear ache. The fluids that drains off of your sinus can infect the ear, also cause you dizziness or the feeling of being off balance.

What could a bump be on the back right side of your head that doesn't hurt but you feel pressure from it and could it be due to a genetic sinus disease?

See your doctor.

Could pain in lower back of your head be your sinuses?

I think you should go to your doctor, it might be a sinus infection in the head which causes sinus headache or sinusitis. There are many signs and symptoms for sinusitis, if you have some of the symptoms, then go visit a doctor and hopefully it won't be anything serious.

Is a bump on the back of a child's head okay?

That depends on how it got there, if the child hit his/her head and it's just a small bump with no headache or vision problems it is probably OK. You should check with your pediatrician anyway just in case it is a concussion.

What causes the pain in headaches. I know stress and other things cause a headache but what's going on inside my head causing it to hurt?

One basic cause is too high blood pressure inside the head. Another cause is pain in another part of the body (eyes, ears, sinus, etc.) that is translated to headache in your brain.