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PDD is an acronym for pervasive developmental disability, which is a description of a type of developmental disorder. It means the same as autism spectrum disorder. It encompasses five conditions: autism, Asperger's Syndrome, Rett Syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, and PDD-Not Otherwise Specified. See the related question below "What are autism spectrum disorders?" for more details.

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What is PDD-NOS?

ANSWER: PDD or Pervasive Developmental Disorder is actually a bit of a misnomer. Many doctors who would not like to commit to giving a diagnosis of Autism will tell the parents that their child has PDD or PDD NOS. ANSWER: PDD-NOS stands for Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified. PDD is another name for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Some doctors use PDD when they mean PDD-NOS. Some doctors use PDD as what it is - a set of disorders. PDD is not a diagnosis; it is a description of a category of developmental disorders. PDD-NOS is a diagnosis. It describes a condition that has the characteristics of a pervasive developmental disorder, but does not fit the criteria for one of the other PDDs. Sometimes, doctors will use the diagnosis of PDD-NOS when it is apparent that the child has a pervasive developmental disorder, but the exact one cannot yet be determined - perhaps because the child is too young to identify certain symptoms, or the disorder is not severe enough to differentiate from the others yet, or comorbid conditions are making it difficult to differentiate among the disorders. Some doctors prefer not to give a diagnosis of autism until they feel absolutely sure that it is autism, so they diagnose the child with PDD-NOS until they are certain.

How do you help your child with PDD-NOS?

PDD-NOS is a diagnosis given to a child who has some signs of autism, but not all. Children with PDD-NOS will show different symptoms. All children grow at a different rate so the symptoms vary with every child. There is no pill to give a child who has PDD-NOS. With any type of autism you treat the symptoms. If the child has speech problems then they may need a speech therapist. If they have sensory issues a occupational therapist. If they have other disorders that are often seen in children with PDD NOS such as ADHD then a therapist and medication may help.

What does the medical abbreviation PDD mean?

Pervasive Development Disorder

What does pdd stand for in academic degrees?

PDD commonly stands for Professional Development Diploma. It is a specialized certification or qualification that professionals can pursue to enhance their skills in a specific field or industry.

How Autism works?

What is PDD AutismPDD or pervasive developmental disorder is a behavioral disorder of speech, communication, social interaction, and repetitive type compulsive behavior. Autism is a form of PDD. There are five types of PDD's. The most commonly encountered are PDD NOS (pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified), childhood autism, and Asperger's syndrome. All these "different" conditions have common diagnostic and physiologic features but differ slightly by the specific diagnostic criteria.How is PDD or autism diagnosed?The diagnosis of PDD is clinical, meaning "what you see is what you've got." One needs to meet specific diagnostic criteria for the different conditions, but the general requirements are that one must have symptoms that belong to the three main areas of impairments: There are five types of PDD's.Childhood autism Asperger's syndromeChildhood disintegrative disorderRett's diseasePDD NOS or pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specifiedThis section will give general guidelines, providing a superficial understanding of the differences between these above-mentioned disorders. A better, more specific understanding of these disorders is given by the specific DSM IV criteria for each disordehope that helps, I help out with the non profit..

If a four year old doesn't get his way and threatens to cut himself with his little scissors what does this indicate?

he may have pdd my son cut himself really badly with my pumice stone and turned on my curling iron when i was asleep had bruised his face arms back and i was afraid that ppl may think i abused him from the damage my son is a twin and it's a higher risk with multiples. pdd is a type of autism which they won't tell you until he/she is older than five but with slight medication and a special school it will be better

What are puzzle poems?

puzzle poems are poems jumbled up for example b[a li tt le that poem ends up being A little boy jumps in the puddle. do you get it? oy spmuj u] in the pdd le

What are common symptoms for PDD or Pervasive Developmental Disorder?

Common symptoms of PDD can include difficulties with social skills, communication issues, repetitive behaviors, and restricted interests. Other symptoms can include delayed language development, difficulty with changes in routine, and sensory sensitivities. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and diagnosis.

What does autism do?

l Autism is a neurological disorder that causes an individual to be affected in many different ways. How it impacts someone is just as different as one person is to the next. The more severly affected individual may be non-verbal, sensitive to touch, and show signs of aggression. The less affected individual may being extremely bright but socially awkward. It's hard to say what autism does to someone when it is different with each person, just like a fingerprint. Early intervention is key to making the most progress so early diagnosis is highly important.

Which business structure is most suitable for garments business?

Most Suitable Structure is separating the system in 3 part 1. PDD (Product Design and Development) 2. SCD (Supply Chain Department) 3. P and S (Production and Shipment)

What can you do or give to a cousin 17 years of age that has PDD and has suicidal thoughts He is seeing counselors and on meds but would like to give him something helpful or inspirational to help?

There are many books out by many authors that fit your need. What I suggest is you go to a local bookstore and take a look at what they have . To give you a specific book or author is hard since we don't know the young man and you do . Read and browse several when you find the right one you will know it. The answer to this question could depend. Is he PDD or PDD-NOS? At 17, a journal would be a very thoughtful and helpful gift. He can write down his thoughts and feelings. When he's happy, sad, etc. PDD have problems communicating with others, as do others with them. Expressions of emotions are difficult, too. Writing is an easy way for them to translate their thoughts and feelings. He may either choose to share these writings or not. Also, this has been proven, you can put 100 people together in a group, 2 being PDD or PDD-NOS. These 2 can "find" each other in the group. I learned this in my "psych" class. They are drawn to each other. I have a family member and had a very dear friend who had Asp. Syndrome. The syndrome didn't kill her. The medications she was given to make her "normal" did. She never had suicidal thoughts until the doctors tried to "fix" her. The most "normal" she was, was when she was going to Christian counseling, and, a homeopathic doctor. Homeopathic doctor found some of behavior "problems" were actually deficientcies and allergies. Once her diet was modified, her "personality" changed somewhat for the better. The Christian counselor was getting through to her that she was created special. I know this because she said "People like her were created to make people like me have more interesting lives", in her "dry-matter of fact" humor. How profound, because to me a ray of light disappeared for me, from her passing. She learned that Albert Einstein had Aspergers. PDD are usually really intelligent and can have special skills. Since most do things repetively the counselor hooked her up with a company that made beaded jewelry. She then found her niche, and made her living by creating and making her own beads and jewelry. She went off deep end because she didn't get paid after being rushed to fill a big order. She snapped. Got put in hospital. Got medicated. She came out of hospital a different person. For a person who had hardly no concept of time, came home living by the clock. Buzzers to remind her it was time to take this med or to go to bed, etc. There is an animated movie called Mary and Max. It gives a really good account of PDD. Mary reminds me, almost to a tee of my friend. It gives you a view of how they think and what anguish they go through. It is a raw and emotional movie, so have your Kleenex close by. Do you know if he has ever had any chemical/hormone testing, or, food allergy testing done? Its rare that med doctors do this. Doctors treat by giving a pill to take care of symptoms. Pills that cover a problem up. Food sensitivities/allergies can make PDD worse. A homeopathic doctor could help. Homeopathic doctors try to eliminate or better a health problem, not cover it up by giving a pill.