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Pneumonia in lower portion of the lungs

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Q: What is Bibasilar scarring?
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How do you code for bibasilar pneumonia?


What is bibasilar rales?

Rales are sounds that can be made in your lungs. Bibasilar means that the sounds are coming from the base of each one: bi=2 basilar= base, or lowest lung section.

What is bibasilar effusion?

fluid accumulated on both sides of the base

What is left basilar air space opacity?

do i ask questions to you regarding bibasilar airspce

What is fibrotic scarring?

Fibrotic scarring is what happens after the removal of the foot.

How do you cover acne marks on the back?

you can if it's minor scarring, if so go to the store and look for acne scarring cream . if deep scarring your screwed.

What causes bibasilar atelectasis?

Mild bibasilar atelectasis is a condition where part or the entire lung collapses. It is due to an obstruction or blockage that results in the prevention of the respiratory exchange of dioxide and oxygen.

Does The term cirrhosis mean scarring?

Such scarring of the liver is called cirrhosis.Cirrhosis of the liver.

What is bilateral pleural effusions with bibasilar atelectasis of the abdomen?

Bilateral pleural effusions refer to the presence of fluid in the lung lining on both sides of the chest, while bibasilar atelectasis pertains to the collapse of the lower portions of the lungs. This condition could indicate underlying issues such as congestive heart failure, pneumonia, or lung cancer and may require further investigation and treatment.

What does apical scarring mean?

What does mild apical lung scarring mean from the imaged lung apices?

What is bibasilar airspace disease?

Bibasilar pulmonary nodules are small spots on the lungs. Most of these spots 60% are considered benign, although it is best to have them biopsied. These nodules can be seen on x ray when they are 1cm in size. Anything over 3cm is considered a mass

What are medical examples of using the prefix bi?

Bilateral, bibasilar, bigeminy, and bifurcation are examples of medical terms using the prefix bi-.