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Q: What is An abnormality in the rhythm of the heartbeat called?
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What is the abnormality in rhythm of the heartbeat called?

An abnormality in the rhythm of the heart beat is called arrhythmia. The cause of this can be little or nothing or can be very serious.

What is arrhythmias?

Arrhythmia is a problem with the rate or rhythm of the heartbeat of a person.

The basic rhythm of the heartbeat is set by the?

The S-A node

What is the pacemaker in the right atrium called?


Compensatory pause ecg?

A compensatory pause on an ECG refers to a pause in heart rhythm that follows a premature beat or extra heartbeat. This pause allows the heart to reset and resume its normal rhythm. It is a normal mechanism of the heart's electrical system to ensure effective pumping.

What are the risk of skipped beats and accelerated heartrate?

A skipped beat is a beat that is not in rhythm (the 2-second rhythm) whereas an accelerated heartbeat is that heartbeat that happens before the 2 seconds interval elapses, and both are a risk to the normal operation of the heart.

What is the loss of the normal rhythm of the heartbeat known as?

Atrial fibrillation or A-fib. I know this one from experience.

Variance in the rhythm of your heart?

It is the variance in time between each heartbeat. ECG, and blood pressure tests are often used to measure the variance in the rhythm of the heart.

What is the meaning of rhythm?

Rhythm has to do with patterns of sound, in terms of their stress or duration. Pitch and tone are not relevant to rhythm. The simplest rhythm is the sound of a heartbeat: da-DUM-da-DUM-da-DUM. Here the "DUM" is louder (stress) and twice as long (duration) than the "da". This is called iambic rhythm in poetry or triple time in music. Ask someone not musically challenged, they will show you, or get a good laugh trying.

What device would be used to regulate a heartbeat?

A pacemaker is a device that is commonly used to regulate an irregular heartbeat by sending electrical impulses to the heart to help it maintain a normal rhythm.

What is the rhythm of a poem?

The rhythm of a poem is called meter.

What is a sinus arrhythmia?

This is an irregular cardiac rhythm due to a variation in the sinus rhythm -- the heartbeat usually increases during inhalation and decreases during exhalation. This condition is common in children and young adults.