

What is ADHD like?

Updated: 12/10/2022
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10y ago

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People with ADHD tend to act on impulse, have trouble focusing correctly, and/or have inability to stand still for a short time.

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How do you hurt a boy with ADHD?

you dont they have adhd they cant help being like that

Do guys like girls with ADHD?

Yes guys do like girls with ADHD because they will be more active than other girls and you might get a surprise

What if you have tried numerous ADHD drugs and there is no improvement?

Unfortunately, some with ADHD do not respond to medication. Consult your doctor about other proven treatments for ADHD like behavioral therapy and meditation.

What are children with ADHD like?

Children with ADHD can be fidgety, have a very short attention span, be impulsive, and have difficulty completing tasks

How are other people affected by people with ADHD?

people are effected by others with ADHD just the same as your best friend has effected you. If you don't like this answer and you are ADHD g-mail me at

Should I take a test for ADHD?

If you want to find out whether or not you have ADHD, contact your local mental health office. A psychiatrist may be available to help diagnose something like ADHD.

Can someone have multiple disorders like adhd and bpd?

Yes, they can.

Why does adderall make you feel like you have ADD?

It makes a regular person without ADHD feel like they do have ADHD. Probably because of the "wired" feeling, since it is a stimulant. Those with ADHD actually feel a paradoxical effect and feel calmer and focused as opposed to so "all over the place" per se. I have ADHD and take Adderall XR.

Are people with ADHD unintelligent?

No, having ADHD does not determine intelligence. People with ADHD can have a range of intellectual abilities, just like those without the condition. ADHD may affect attention, focus, and impulse control, but it doesn't make someone unintelligent.

Can you have ADHD when you don't hit people?

I don't know what hitting has to do with ADHD, but look at "difference between ADD and OCD"

Would adhd stay in my way if i took ecstasy?

I'm not an expert on drugs, but it seems like ecstasy would make adhd much worse.

Does adhd feel like mood swings?

sometimes it just depends.