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Q: What internal framework and support system to give shape?
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What gives shape and strength to the body?

The bones and muscles provide strength, support and shape to the body. The skeletal system or the bones is a framework on which all organs and muscles are attached. Bones protect the internal organs. Muscles give the body its outer shape and muscles along with bones help in movement.

What are the part and function of skeletal system?

The parts of the skeletal system are the bones, tendons, and ligaments. The skeletal system provides framework of the body , gives shape and support to the body, helps in body movements in conjunction with the muscles, and protects internal organs. It also serves as a storage site for minerals.

Which system provides the body with shape and support?

The skeletal system provides the body with shape and support. It is made up of bones that give structure and protect internal organs while allowing for movement and flexibility.

What is cellular framework?

Cellular framework refers to the overall structure and organization of a cell, which includes the plasma membrane, cytoplasm, organelles, and the nucleus. The framework provides support and shape to the cell, as well as helps in regulating its internal environment and carrying out various cellular functions. Misregulation of cellular framework can lead to cellular dysfunction and diseases.

What does the sketetal system do besides provides shape and support for the body?

The skeletal system also protects internal organs, produces blood cells in the bone marrow, and stores minerals like calcium and phosphorus for the body's use. It also allows for movement through its joints and provides a framework for muscle attachment.

Why is the metal framework important to the umbrella?

The metal framework is important to the umbrella because it provides structure and support. It helps keep the umbrella open and maintains its shape, allowing it to effectively shield from rain or sunlight. Additionally, the metal framework adds durability and strength to the umbrella, making it more resistant to wind and other external forces.

What does the seletal system do?

it provides support and shape, enables you to move, protects your internal organs,produces blood cells, and stores certain materials that your body needs

Which cell structure forms an internal framework inside the cell and is made of microtubules intermediate filaments and microfilaments?

The cytoskeleton is the cell structure that forms an internal framework made of microtubules, intermediate filaments, and microfilaments. It provides structural support to the cell, aids in cell movement, and helps maintain cell shape.

What organelle gives the shape and support to the cell?

The cytoskeleton, not an organelle but a cellular structure, provides shape and support to the cell. It is responsible for maintaining cell structure, anchoring organelles in place, and facilitating cell movement.

The cell on the left maintains its shape with the support from?

The cell on the left maintains its shape with the support from the cytoskeleton, a network of protein filaments that give the cell structure and help it maintain its shape. This framework also plays a key role in cell movement, division, and intracellular transport.

What is the structure that provides internal support and protection for plant and animal cells?

In plant cells, the structure providing internal support and protection is the cell wall, which is a rigid structure made of cellulose. In animal cells, this function is carried out by the cytoskeleton, a network of protein filaments that give the cell its shape and help with internal organization.

What are 3 jobs the skeletal system does?

Provides structural support and shape to the body. Protects internal organs such as the brain, heart, and lungs. Facilitates movement by working with muscles to produce motion at joints.