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Muscles contract when they receive nerve signals from the brain, telling them to put filaments in action. The thin ones slide past the thick, shortening the sarcomere (this is a special part of the muscle).

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12y ago

vyhjThe acetylcholine or ACH is transmitted over the synaptic cleft. It binds with receptors on the sarcolemma, or the muscle cells membrane. This creates an action potential, causing the cells reticulum to release calcium. So in general, the sodium rushing into the cell causes the depolarization.

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Q: What initiates the depolarization of the membrane in muscle contraction?
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The combining of the neurotransmitter with the muscle membrane receptors causes the membrane to become permeable to sodium ions and blank of the membrane?

The combining of the neurotransmitter with the muscle membrane receptors causes the membrane to become permeable to sodium ions and depolarization of the membrane. This depolarization triggers an action potential that leads to muscle contraction.

Opening of these channels leads to what of the motor endplate?

Opening of these channels leads to depolarization of the motor endplate, which triggers the release of neurotransmitters (such as acetylcholine) from synaptic vesicles. This initiates the muscle contraction process by activating the muscle fibers.

What is depolarization of the sarcolemma?

Depolarization of the sarcolemma is the process where there is a change in the electrical charge across the cell membrane of a muscle cell. This change in charge helps to propagate an action potential along the cell membrane, initiating muscle contraction.

Is depolarization the same as contraction in the heart?

The nerve impulse causes the release of acetylcholine from the motor end plate. This causes the depolarization of the membrane of the adjacent muscle cell.

The qrs complex corresponds to depolarization of the muscle fibers of the?

The QRS complex corresponds to the depolarization of the ventricles in the heart. It represents the spread of the electrical signal that initiates the contraction of the ventricles. This is a critical step in the cardiac cycle that leads to the pumping of blood out of the heart.

What specific event initiates the contraction?

The specific event that initiates a muscle contraction is the release of calcium ions within the muscle cell. This triggers a series of chemical reactions that ultimately lead to the sliding of actin and myosin filaments, resulting in muscle contraction.

How is information transferred at the NMJ?

Information is transferred at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) through the release of acetylcholine from the synaptic vesicles of the motor neuron. Acetylcholine binds to receptors on the muscle cell membrane, leading to depolarization and the generation of an action potential that initiates muscle contraction. The process is tightly regulated to ensure precise communication between the motor neuron and muscle fiber.

Does depolarization mean contraction?

No, depolarization refers to the change in electrical charge within a cell, specifically during the initiation of an action potential. Contraction refers to the shortening or tightening of muscle fibers, which is a separate physiological process that can be triggered by depolarization in muscle cells.

What effect does depolarization have on the motor end plate once action potentials arrive at the synaptic end bulb?

Depolarization at the motor end plate upon arrival of action potentials triggers the release of neurotransmitter acetylcholine into the synaptic cleft. This acetylcholine then binds to receptors on the muscle cell membrane, initiating muscle contraction by depolarizing the muscle cell membrane and allowing the action potential to propagate along the muscle fiber.

Binding of the neurotransmitters with muscle membrane to become permeable to sodium and sodium ions is?

The binding of neurotransmitters to receptors on the muscle membrane triggers the opening of ion channels, allowing sodium ions to enter the muscle cell. This influx of sodium ions initiates an action potential, leading to muscle contraction.

How does the nerve impulse cause contraction of the muscle?

The nerve impulse causes the release of acetylcholine from the motor end plate. This causes the depolarization of the membrane of the adjacent muscle cell. Depolarization triggers the release of calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum inside the muscle cell. In the presence of ATP, the high calcium level causes the myosin heads to bend, dragging actin filaments towards the middle of the unit of contraction.