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Before you donate blood, your blood is tested for sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS, HIV, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis, viral diseases such as influenza and bacterial diseases such as tuberculosis, pneumonia.

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All types of hepatitis (A-G) and HIV/AIDS. Plus many more.

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11y ago

Blood replacement can be transferred through blood transfusion. :)

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The Infectious Diseases most often acquired from blood transfusion in the United States are hepatitis and AIDS.

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13y ago

babesiosis, Chagas disease, human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV-I and -II), cytomegalovirus (CMV), Lyme disease, malaria, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

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Q: What infectious diseases can be acquired from a blood transfusion?
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What has the author Edward Tabor written?

Edward Tabor has written: 'Infectious complications of blood transfusion' -- subject(s): Adverse effects, Blood, Blood Transfusion, Communicable diseases, Complications, Transfusion, Transmission 'Emerging Viruses in Human Populations, Volume 16 (Perspectives in Medical Virology) (Perspectives in Medical Virology)'

What are the hazards of incompatible blood transfusion?

Risks associated with autologous blood transfusion include transfusion reaction if an allogeneic blood transfusion was inadvertently given and transmission of infectious agents if the blood became contaminated.

Why can't blood be donated for a year after a transfusion?

FDA guidelines require a temporary deferral of one year from date of transfusion for potential donors who have received blood products. This is to minimize the possibility of transfusion-transmitted diseases entering the blood supply. Though unlikely, there is a risk of transfusion-acquired infections with all blood component use. The one year deferral allows any potential disease to be present long enough to be detected by FDA-mandated screening tests.

What are three non infectious diseases?

Cancer, Asthma, High blood pressure.

What type of cell fights infectious diseases in a human?

white blood cells

How does a person get infected through blood transfusion?

People are rarely infected with HIV through blood transfusion now. Scientists have not always known what HIV was or how to detect it. During this time, many people were infected with HIV as a result of blood transfusion. Thankfully, now every blood sample collected is tested for a variety of diseases, including HIV.

Can a person get schizophrenia through a blood transfusion?

No , mental disorders are not diseases, thus they can not be transfered like a virus or a disease.

What has the author J A F Napier written?

J. A. F. Napier has written: 'Handbook of blood transfusion therapy' -- subject(s): Transfusion, Blood Transfusion, Blood 'Blood transfusion therapy' -- subject(s): Transfusion, Blood

What is a sentence for transfusion?

transfusion is required for you. Or you will die.

How does blood transfusion affect personality?

Blood transfusion does not affect personality.

What protects your body from infectious diseases?

You have the immune system to protect you from the infectious diseases. You have two types of immunity. Cell mediated and humeral type.

What is blood processing?

A sample of the donator's blood is collected at the time of donation and tested for infectious diseases. Blood is not used until the results from these tests confirm that it is safe.