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Yes, It is possible. I would wait another week and re test. If that one is negative then go see your Dr. It could be soemthing more serious like a cyst or a Ectopic Pregnancy. I have the same problem im almost 4 weeks late since mt last period still dont have period but keep on getting negative hpts i have pregnancy symptoms like headache nausea always hungry i wish my period will come already if im not pregnant im getting frustrated with this waiting game. = Answer = I am on the same page. I am three weeks late and still getting negative results. I have heard that it's possible that it is still too early to tell. Every woman is different and the hormones may not be showing up in your urine yet. Answer I'm on a similar page. I am on day 30 of an unknown cycle (PCOS patient) and I just tested this morning, and it's negative. I don't really know if I should test again, or presume I'm not pregnant! Can anyone answer that question?

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16y ago
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18y ago

Missed periods don't just mean pregnancy. They can be caused by your hormones fluctuating, weight gain or loss or even serious illness. No one can diagnose your health problems online -- even based on the symptoms you provided. You should contact a medical professional/gynecologist for answers to your specific questions and to get an in-person evaluation and any necessary tests or medications.

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18y ago

Hello. Yes you could be pregnant hun. Its possible your not releasing enough HCG into your urine which would be why the HPT is negative. Best thing to do is test again now then see your doctor for a blood test. Good luck.

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18y ago

It have happen and I'm sure it did to many womens out there. this means that the pregancy tests are not always right what you need to do is see a real doctor instead of at home using pregancy tester.

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12y ago

You could just be late or may have skipped your period this month. This can happen if you are more stressed out than usual, underweight, or just aren't eating enough. Go to your doctor for a pregnancy test or ultrasound just to make sure.

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Q: What if your period is late and pregnancy test are negative3months late?
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A positive pregnancy test is an indication of pregnancy. See your health care provider.

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You can take a pregnancy test when you are 2 days late. The tests now will show you are pregnant even before you have missed a period.

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If your period is more than 2 weeks late, yes an HCG blood test will certainly be able to detect the pregnancy hormone. Home pregnancy tests will work as well.

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When used as directed, after your period is late - the test is very reliable. It is looking for hCG - found only in pregnancy. A positive test is 100%.

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