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take a test could be late due to stess or medication

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Q: What if your peorid have it come?
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If you m on your peorid 05262009 when can you start trying to get prengent?

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Can you go swimming on your peorid?

i think you can but only if you use a tampon

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They become atrophied.

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Um , well, um... private much? IDK ASK HER...... PROBALY!!

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I think if you keep your hand long enough in a freezer it can get frost bite, but no. You can not get freezer burn from touching a freezer. That requires a long peorid of time.

Okay i havent got my peorid for 4 months now you don't know whats going on im 13 and scared please help i have had sex for 10 weeks now?

You should have a pregnancy test or see a doctor to make sure, but at 13, it's very possible your periods aren't regulated yet.

What is nonmetallic peorid 3 atomic mass 32?

The element you are referring to is phosphorus with the atomic number 15 and atomic mass 30.974. It is a nonmetallic element that exists in several allotropic forms, including white phosphorus and red phosphorus. It is essential for life and is commonly found in compounds such as DNA, RNA, and ATP.

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Thank you so much for this! I haven't been this thrilled by a post for a long peorid of time! You've got it, whatever that means in blogging. Well, Youre definitely someone that has something to say that people need to hear. Keep up the wonderful job. Keep on inspiring the people! 0 likes

You are having really bad cramps I have been having them for the past 2 weeks you think I mite have my peorid very soon PS.I am only 10. Please help me?

Some people have periods earlier than others. you might just have a sickness or something. usually people don't have cramps for two weeks before the period, only a day or two.

How soon do you get your period after spotting?

This question makes no sense. Implantation means when the zygote attaches to the uterine lining and you become pregnant, if you become pregnant then you don't menstruate. Not all women spot during implantation, rather the spotting is most likely your period starting.

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The duration of Come Come Come Upward is 2.23 hours.