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It's completely normal, and if there are other women in the same house as you, their periods are usually in sync with yours. Another common thing is if you're just beginning or sparring menopause for yoursa to be off wack.

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Q: What if your menstruation is abnormal?
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What refers to the cessation of menstruation?

Amenorrhea ,an abnormal absence of menstruation.or Menopause, the ceasing of menstruation.

What are the myths of menstruation?

A myth about menstruation says it is abnormal. And another says if you have sex it can stop menstrual pain.

What is abnormal Pain?

Abnormal pain is pain that is unusual. For example, some pain is associated with menstruation, but pain that is extreme or that lasts longer than the normal period of time would be considered abnormal.

Effects of gallbladder surgery on menstruation?

Gall bladder surgery by laparoscopic or open methods should not have any effect on menstruation whatsoever. Ocassionally we have seen patient's menstruation getting disrupted for one or two cycles because of the mental stress of surgery. This is not abnormal and will not require any meidcal attention.

Could you be pregnant This is exactly 4 weeks after your last menstruation and you are bleeding it's lighter and it's little but it feels like your normal menstruation husband feels it's abnormal.?

If you feel it's normal I think your husband is wishful thinking. I doubt if you are pregnant.

What else causes a woman to bleed besides menstruation?

Many things can cause a woman to bleed besides menstruation. Some types of birth control can cause abnormal bleeding or spotting. Sometimes sexual intercourse can cause some spotting or light bleeding. Stress has been known to postpone or trigger menstruation. The safest way to deal with a problem like this, though, is to see a doctor. There are several adverse things that can cause bleeding also and it is best to find the reason why there is abnormal bleeding to make sure there is nothing wrong or to correct it if there is.

Why Painful Discomfort during Menstruation Why It Happens?

Dysmenorrhea meaning difficult, painful or abnormal. It is true that the discomfort during menstruation are relatively common, but the intensity is such that from leading a normal life. In these cases it is necessary to go to the doctor to know the source of the problem and determine appropriate treatment.

The shedding of the lining in the woman's uterus once a month is called what?

When the uterine lining sheds this is typically called menstruation. Although women on hormonal birth control will experience a faux period in the form of a withdrawal bleed.

Is it normal to have menstruation two times a month?

menstrual cycle can be as short as 21 days or longer than 35 days. Changes from month to month are also normal. So having your menstruation 2 times a month is normal as long as its around 3 weeks apart. If not there may be other disorders.... My menstruation is 21 days apart and can go as short as 3 days and as long as 8 days. there is nothing abnormal about it. Alot of my friends has the same condition :)

Why menstruation is late?

It could be irregular menstruation. If you are the one having late menstruation, I might suggest for you to go the doctor and ask more information about late menstruation. But yes, one option is irregular menstruation.

What is the effect of antibiotic on menstruation?

Medicines can change menstruation.

The beginning of menstruation is called?

The beginning of menstruation is called