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Well, it can be really painful sometimes, and it can cause things like ulcers, sores, and even an infection on the inside of your mouth. If there's a wire that's continuously breaking open your gums, they can swell up and if food particles get stuck in it, it can become even more painful. It depends on the placement, and how much the wire or hook portrudes from your tooth. I had this problem not that long ago, before I had my braces removed. It's just too easy to bite on, I would end up chewing on it in my sleep, and tasting blood when i woke up. The only ways to make it better are: obviously, to not bite it; to have an ENT doctor check it out; to use a special protector like the wax that should've been given to you when you got your braces; or your orthodontist can twist the metal so that it won't irritate you as much. The ENT doc. will either deem it insignificant, and do nothing; inject it with something to reduce the swelling; give you an antibiotic; or remove it. Also, the wax doesn't work so well sometimes. Usually, it does not have to be removed, and it doesn't always swell, so the best thing you can do is try to position it in such a way that it won't get poked, and try not to bite on it. If it causes you serious pain, then pay a visit to your orthodontist.

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Q: What if your braces are poking your mouth?
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no. but when you get the elastics in your mouth its a bit harder to open your mouth but you will be able to.

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I would suggest not to clip it yourself. Go to the ortho and they will cut it. Better safe than sorry

Do braces hurt when they are being placed on your teeth?

Having braces placed on your teeth does not hurt. As they braces are adjusted periodically, your mouth can be uncomfortable, but tolerable.

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If you have to get teeth taken out will you need braces after?

depends on the situation. if your mouth is overcrowding and your getting extractions done then NO but if your mouth is overcrowding then yes you'll most likely have to get braces hun