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yes for me 4 years ago when i had my daughter Madison my breasts leaked a clear to yellowish liquid, i began to have this happen to me about 13 weeks to 20 weeks and it will continue to happen until your milk comes in.

My doctor at the time who delivered Madison said it was normal, it is a sugar type fluid your breasts make, and it is a vital importance the first couple days to breastfeeding, he said that light white to yellowish sticky type fluid from breasts is normal.

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13y ago
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16y ago

This yellow liquid is the first of your breast milk. You can buy pads for your bra to catch it and keep your clothes clean. Go to the baby section of wal-mart and you will find alot of things there for breast feeding.

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13y ago

Breastmilk can be thin and watery looking, and may have a blue or yellow tint to it. It can even take on a hint of green, orange or other color if mother has been eating lots of green foods, or other colored foods, especially those with dye, such as green gatoraide.

So yes, you could be. I would go see a gynecologist or go to your family doctor and have them do a blood pregnancy test. It's the only way to be sure.

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15y ago

I am assuming you mean you have taken a pregnancy test which has tested "negative", and that you have a yellow vaginal discharge. "Yellow" is a funny thing, because normal vaginal discharge can range from a milky white to a light or medium off-white, depending on various things (diet, hormones, bacterial balance, etc.). As discharge settles into the lining of your undergarments, it can dry to a yellowish color. If you have a slight amount of cervical or uterine bleeding outside of your period (normal, especially for teens), it can even look brownish or darker yellow. When you need to take note or worry is when one or more of the following occur: 1) The discharge is heavier than usual over an extended period of time (the amount and consistency of a woman's discharge changes throughout the month, as hormone levels change, so it would have to be a lot heavier than you've ever experienced before). 2) The consistency of your discharge becomes very thick, frothy, "cheesy", clumped, and/or you are experiencing itching or pain in your vaginal region (inside or out). Usually, it will also take on a "yeasty" smell, similar to bread dough before baking. 3) The color of your discharge becomes yellow/greenish and smells foul ("fishy"). Pain while urinating, during intercourse, or any sort of sores or lesions, inflammation around the labia and vulva, or any swelling or nodules along the creased area where your inside upper thigh and the area above your vaginal area meet (the lymph nodes which regulate the health of that area of the body are located there. An enlarged node or nodule there can indicate an infection you need to have checked).

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13y ago

No acctually it is not, the reason for green liquid acctually comes from a infection coming from a bug called the insectosaurus. They are very rare to North America and sometimes come in the form of a fat butterfly. Once bitten by this insect you will feel a strange yearning to look into bright lights or Pneumococcal disease. Also sometimes when you sneeze it could come out in a more sticky silk form which can be used for many different things. Spiderman uses his to swing from buildings you could use yours to stick your kids in the corner or even better use it instead of hancuffs on your husband for sexy time that is if he is still even married to you seeing as you have sprung a leak from your chest which may be the only reason he was with you in the first place. If he did happen to leave you do me a favor taste it, if it tase like green apple hawaiian punch then please let me know i may need to inspect these warlocks as soon as possible. Also is it neon green if so I have a Co-worker whose favorite color is neon green he may be very interested in what you have going on in that area.

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19y ago

All woman are different. Some don't leak until they start nursing, some start to leak within 5 months. It all depends on your body.

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18y ago

My breasts started leaking at around 7 months. It's your milk ducts getting ready for you to nurse the baby.

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