

Best Answer

dont worry just be patient you will have your pieriod when your body is ready

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Q: What if you have pubic hair and under arm hair but have not started my period and you feel uncomfortable because most of your friends have their period?
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What not to do if you haven't started your period?

NEVER use tampons if you haven't started....... its not good for you and they are uncomfortable if you haven't started.

Can little girls like 8 year old get pregnant?

no but they can get sex well actually it depends my best friends mother started her period at 8, once u have started ur period u can get pregnant so it depends on if uve started ur period yet.

Do you have to have started your period to have a baby?

Yes, because when you get your period it means that your body has a place for the baby to form.

Im 12 and never started your period yet could you be pregnant?

no because you need your period to have a baby

You have not started your period yet and your scared your friends will take the mickey what do you do?

Give them an answer to shut them up, if they can be that nasty then there not true friends anyway! there is nothing wrong with being a late starter

Why haven't my breasts grown since i started my period?

Maybe it is because you are growing in stages. First your period, then your breasts.

How do you make your period start at age 10 because all of my friends get them?

You can't

Is it normal to still have a monthly period at age 54?

is it normal to still have your period at 54 and do you have a period longerin life because you started at 14?

If a grandmother gets her first period at age 13 and her daughter gets her first period at age 13 than what are the odds that her daughter gets her first period at age 13?

Quite likely but then again unlikely because everyone grows at their own pace, my mother and grandmother got their periods at 13 but I got mine at 12. Sometimes the people around you including your friends can start your period... for example my friend got her period before I got mine and a few weeks later I started and a day after I started another one of my friends started... strange, huh>? Well I most defiantly hope I helped you, good luck and don't be afraid to tell your parents! (Specifically your mother) Good luck!

Why am i different because all my friends have started their periods and i haven't yet and I am 13?

You are only thirteen years old, you have plenty of time to start your period. Most girls don't get theirs until there 15 or older. There is nothing wrong with you.

What do i do if my pig goes over its gestation period?

it might get to uncomfortable and get sick, then die

Your period started August 8 when started your period in the next period?

Probably around September 8th