Well, I'm not positive, but it may be cancer. You should ask your doctor.
On one end of each testicle there is normally a small, spherical mass where the tubes that direct seminal fluid attach. If this is not what you are referring to, or if you are still uncertain, definitely consult your physician. There is such a thing as Testicular Cancer, and you don't want to mess around with it.
Get it checked out by a doctor.
A test is testical.EDIT: Haha, testical :)ROFL A TESTICAL
Glomerulus- tiny ball of capillaries(microscopic blood vessels) in the kidney.
Testical cancer Its called something like that where you get a lump on your testical - cancer and u have to remove the testical .... Pretty weird lol I like both my balls but look it up im being serious about that
"Small ball" is probably the phrase you are looking for. A ball is spherical, and small is a synonym with tiny.
Wee ball.
The tiny mouse scurried across the floor quickly.
No it can not.
u have one testical
The Snitch